In this article we will try to give you some important signs of a heart attack. Read it carefully and pay attention Heart.

Sign 1: Cold hands and feet

Constant “rubbing” of hands with cold hands. Rubbing your hands is due to the fact that after heart problems, blood circulation worsens and cold hands and feet arise. So keep rubbing your hands. If the room temperature is normal and there are no other conditions, this sudden cold of your hands and feet can be an “alarm” of a heart problem!

Signs of a heart attack

Signal 2: Increased heart rate

If one day, without any incentive, you suddenly notice that your heart beats faster for no reason, between 1 minute and 10 minutes. It often occurs after physical activity, emotional stress, or overeating. You should be aware that this is probably a signal from the heart and most likely a sign of a heart attack.

Sign 3: Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath, dizziness and difficulty breathing deeply are also important “alarm signs” of heart problems. This is caused by the heart becoming weak due to heart problems and depriving the blood of oxygen.

If you think about it, you feel like you’re losing the ability to breathe deeply, not being able to take in more oxygen, having difficulty breathing, and feeling dizzy. If there is no history of lung disease, it is time to check for heart problems.

Sign 4: Anxiety and insomnia

If you have never suffered from insomnia, or if nothing exciting or worrying is happening but you feel anxious for no reason, this could be a sign of a heart problem, most likely a heart attack! This is due to insufficient oxygen supply to the heart. In clinical practice there are some patients with heart disease report suddenly experiencing extreme anxiety and insomnia several months before the heart attack.

This type of insomnia is not an inability to fall asleep like ordinary insomnia, but rather a sudden awakening in the middle of the night without warning, with thoughts of thousands of galloping horses or unexplained fear. If this fear is not caused by stress or unpleasant events, get checked out as soon as possible.

Signal 5: Shoulder, neck and arm pain

Be especially wary of shoulder, neck, and arm pain without warning! This type of pain is transmitted because when the heart is ischemic, the pain signal is transmitted through the nerves and reflected in the area of ​​the spinal cord segment at the same level. Nearby organs such as shoulders, neck, jaw and arms lie within this area, so these organs feel it. Pain.

These pain attacks are often characterized by neck pain one day and jaw pain the next day, or pain one day and no pain the next day. If such pain transfer occurs, you have to go to the hospital quickly.

Signal 6: Unexplained tiredness

Many patients with heart disease often feel extremely tired without doing anything. This inexplicable tiredness is also a heart alarm signal!

For example, I woke up fine in the morning, but soon I felt extremely tired, my limbs were heavy, and I no longer had the energy to do anything. The strange thing is that I didn’t do anything that drained my energy, I didn’t get sick, I didn’t do strenuous exercise, and I didn’t sleep well. appropriate.

If this persists for a long period of time, weeks or even months, it is a sign that there is a heart problem and you should seek medical attention immediately.

Sign 7: Night sweats and nausea

Sudden sweating and nausea are typical symptoms of a heart attack and signs of early heart disease. Additionally, if you experience shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, or pain, bloating, or pain that radiates from the chest to the back, shoulders, arms, or neck, you should seek medical attention immediately. Any delay of more than five minutes can endanger your life.

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Last Update: 19 April 2024