When middle-aged Women Experiencing pain inside ankle, you may be suffering from Posterior Tibial Tendon Insufficiency (PTTD). Most causes are age-related or a sprain that results in tearing of the posterior tibial tendon behind the medial malleolus. If not treated in a timely manner, deformities of the ankle joints and degenerative joint diseases can occur.

How do you know if you have symptoms of PTTD?

Mainly divided into 2 methods

1. Is there swelling and pain in the inner ankle area?

2. Can the heel be lifted up when standing on one foot?

PTTD symptoms are classified into stages 1-4. From the 2nd stage onwards the feet begin to deform and in the 3rd to 4th stages it is no longer possible to walk for long periods of time.

How is the treatment carried out?

In the first phase, keep calm, reduce movement and take anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers or injections into the affected area. It takes about two weeks to take the medicine and two injections, for a total of two weeks. In addition, to reduce the load on the arch of the foot, arch-shaped insoles are inserted into the shoes, and wearing shoes that can fix the heel has a positive effect on the stability of the posterior tibial tendon.

Patients with stage 2 or later require surgical treatment. Walking after surgery takes 6-8 weeks and returning to everyday life takes about 3 months. Stage 3-4 surgery is more extensive and takes longer to fully heal.

The PTTD condition is not yet widespread and many cases are considered normal sprains leading to a worsening of the condition. If similar symptoms occur, further examination is recommended.

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Last Update: 19 April 2024