Skin ulcers are just one of the most common skin Conditions. However, if skin ulcers develop into chronic skin ulcers, it cannot be ignored. This is mainly because skin ulcers, when they develop into a chronic stage, cause severe damage to the skin. During the clinical treatment of skin diseases, some patients end up developing chronic skin ulcers Cancer due to her serious condition.

Careless treatment of wounds caused by mosquito bites can lead to the spread of infections and cancer; Chronic skin ulcers caused by trauma such as burns and car accidents can cause systemic sepsis if not treated properly. High blood sugar levels eventually cause the patient’s toes to become completely dry. Look at this. Incredible cases are happening around us.

Chronic skin ulcers are a common condition that can be easily overlooked. If you develop a skin ulcer, even a small one, contact your doctor. Do not allow infection and spread through trivial things.

It is not uncommon for chronic skin ulcers to have serious consequences if they are not treated. Although chronic skin ulcers are common and common diseases, they are easily overlooked. If not treated in time, many complications occur as early as seven or eight months or even after seven or eight years, which can cause local gene mutations in the cells and lead to cancer.

skin ulcer

It is clear to see that the development of chronic skin ulcers is very harmful to the body. Therefore, once the symptoms of skin ulcers are discovered, it is necessary to take advantage of the time to treat the skin ulcers regularly to prevent the disease from developing into chronic skin ulcers and then triggering the occurrence of cancer. Chronic skin ulcers are not a minor skin condition and require special attention.

Why do you get skin ulcers?

It is a body surface disease characterized by long-term inability to heal as the main clinical manifestation, as well as skin tissue defects, liquefaction, infection and necrosis. What exactly caused it? Why do you get such an illness?

Let’s talk about the main causes.

1. Traumatic causes: These include, in particular, mechanical, radioactive injuries, burns, etc. Chronic ulcers often arise after mechanical injuries due to improper treatment. Ulcers that appear on scars after burns are also difficult to heal. Their bases are pale and are associated with contracture deformity.
2. Vascular causes: Common causes include arterial ischemia, varicose veins, vasculitis, etc., especially in the lower legs. Arterial factors such as arterial occlusion syndrome, atherosclerotic plaque and diabetes are common causes of ischemic ulcers and are difficult to treat. Vasculitis is a connective tissue disease that often affects small blood vessels and capillaries in the superficial dermis of patients. Therefore, ulcers are easy to form in such patients when skin damage occurs.

3. Infectious causes: Microbial infectious diseases are often caused by bacteria, fungal spirochetes, viruses, etc. Most chronic ulcers are infected by bacteria. The most common bacterial infections are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.
4. Causes of tumors: Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, basal cell carcinoma, lymphoma and melanoma can all manifest as difficult-to-heal skin ulcers.

5. Metabolic and nutritional causes: Diabetes is the most common and typical representative. Structural and functional impairment of capillaries and arterioles due to impaired glucose metabolism is a common cause of ulcers complicated by diabetes and complicates healing.
6. Other causes: Psychological stress, environmental stimuli on plateaus and marine areas can also cause ulcers. Vascular ulcers caused by immune abnormalities are caused by tissue necrosis caused by arterial or arteriolar inflammation. A circulatory or neurological disorder is tissue necrosis caused by nutritional disorders such as varicose veins, leprosy ulcers, etc.

If you suspect a skin ulcer, you must go to the hospital for treatment in a timely manner to prevent the condition from worsening. I hope everyone is in good health.

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Last Update: 19 April 2024